Cosmic Path Full Moon June 4th, 2012
Full Moon June 4, 2012 (partial Lunar Eclipse) @ 14 degrees Sagittarius7:12 a.m. EDT 4:12 a.m. PDT
Countless words count less than the silent balance between yin and yang.
~Lao Tsu, Tao te Ching
A partial eclipse of the moon (37%) as the earth stands between the Sun and the Moon (6:00 a.m. EDT 3:00 a.m. PDT although viewing in Eastern States is not possible)
Neptune goes retrograde also at 3 degrees Pisces later in the day. Mars forms an exact square to Venus and is in a t-square with the sun/moon. Saturn exactly trines Mercury. So, we’ve covered the mutable signs and are working with a significant influence from the ‘messenger’ (rules Gemini-Sun, Venus, Mercury and Virgo, Mars). Change and movement are predominant.
Neptune in Pisces, limitless and boundary-less. Edges dissolve. Everything merges and as the result of mixing all colors we arrive at white. White upon white, within white, without white. The mind floats upon a sea of nothingness; finds no crack or rock to crawl into or cling to. The mind lets go. We sink deeper into our truth and dispense with the necessity for structured forms of communication. Communication happens as a result of the absolute connection of all things. We may be looking at a Moon in opposition to the Sun but what we are seeing is a raw potential for transformation of consciousness—I am neither that or that but that. Neptune retrograde in Pisces, a preeminent invitation to cruise the void.
With the ‘strawberry moon’, so called because June is the month for strawberry picking, one might imagine a warm summer, early evening on Grandma’s porch. Dinner is finished and it is time for strawberry shortcake. The whole family is relaxed and without a care in the world.
'Not a care in the world' is a Sagittarian notion as well as a laid back presence that may frustrate other signs but when it comes to discerning the truth, they will leave no stone unturned en route to discovery. The only impediment might be a tendency to assume that ‘I know it all’ which is true but upon what is the knowing-ness based? Most of what we think we know can be labeled a story.
At this Full Moon it behooves us to reflect upon the story of 15 degrees Sagittarius (always round up a degree) of the Sabian Symbols. It is a groundhog appearing on February 2nd to see what he sees. Now, rather than limit our selves to the traditional possibilities, let us imagine that in the light of early morning Phil experiences the light as something that portends numerous possibilities that need not be described in any way. Our experiences are thoughtless observations in an ever-changing milieu witnessed by that which never changes or moves.
When the words vanish and attempts to describe the indescribable lay in a heap on the ground around us we can just sit and enjoy the strawberry shortcake and any fireflies that may wander by. And Phil is left to navigate his world with as much earnestness as we navigate ours.
While Phil is on one end of this opposition in observation, there are two Dutch children exchanging knowledge on the other. This Sabian Symbol implies, as one would think, quite the opposite to the aforementioned symbol but the end result may be the same. The Dutch are known for honest communication. In honesty the light of the truth shines brightly. What these children share is a purity of spirit that speaks to the essence of truth within each of us. We may experience duality but we are light.
A major component in this Full Moon is Mars making a t-square. In Virgo, Mars may be energy and action focused on doing good things, being productive and pushing toward perfection. This can create resentment and resistance when emotional issues arise that erupt in anger or at the least arise as discernable irritation. This could be the result of needing to look at ‘stuff’ under the microscope rather than ignoring the truth for a more glamorous or stimulating picture. The truth is very simple and even perhaps considered boring (until you have experienced that) and we do love our drama! The mutable signs however, are more likely to find a way of avoiding rather than dramatizing. But not for long. Rather great strategies will emerge as a result of this Full Moon. Both General Patton and Napoleon Bonaparte had Mars in Virgo. May we be guided into a state of awareness by conquering unknown territory and surmounting fears.
To determine how the exact square between Venus and Mars influences this Full Moon we can look at the 9th harmonic chart to see how the tension of this aspect manifests. The 9th harmonic chart, if you have read previous articles you will remember, is a slice of the natal chart that demonstrates evolutionary intent and ‘soul purpose’. Here we see Mars is sextile Venus, a more relaxed state and trine Chiron that would indicate action toward healing the wound to self worth or the ability to know the Self. Also the Sun/Moon opposition (Aquarius/Leo) is being squared exactly by Pallas Athena in Taurus. Mature wisdom urges a perfect balance between cool detachment and over attachment.
Saturn trines Neptune as well which lends sharpness to an otherwise vague notion of Self. We are not likely to go too far astray. The spiral tightens as we approach the center, the simple truth. Once glimpsed one doesn’t back away.
Jupiter, in this 9th harmonic chart and ruler of the Full Moon is at 15 degrees Virgo conjunct natal Mars giving an additional aspect of expansive knowing to the Full Moon dynamic. Again, not likely that we will miss our cue.
In the original chart, Jupiter is exactly conjunct the Black Moon Lilith which could look like an inflated sense of self. In this case its a good thing. As human beings we have underestimated our abilities and impact and lived in suffering and fear when clearly we deserve much more. What does the more relate to? Peace of mind.
Is it possible to experience peace of mind as a result of any astrological configurations? Is it possible to wake up based upon the movement of the celestial orbs? Why not? With Saturn exactly trine Mercury (in air) we turn what might have been ‘pie in the sky’ fantasy into focused mind that leaps the gap between what appears to be real and the absolute. We must bear in mind that all of this happens without anything needing to be done. Everything that has been discussed relates to the all-pervading energy of the evolutionary process that moves us in the direction of Self-discovery in perfect synchronicity. In other words, no worries, relax and eat strawberry shortcake!