Join us this Saturday 6/3 from 6pm-7pm for a Strawberry Full Moon Meditation with Rose DeLos Angeles!
As we come into this Strawberry Full Moon in Sagittarius, her fire lifting us up with her strength and playfulness. The fire energy of Sagittarius always gives us that boost of motivation and action. It can also bring in divine masculine energy as well as boost the divine feminine energy. We all have the divine masculine within us, some more than others.
In this meditation we will connect with our Inner Shiva the divine masculine for balance. The inner Shiva, the sacred counterpart of the Divine Feminine, the Divine Masculine is an active force that is responsible for order, structure, passion, willpower, and courage. These are the parts needed to harness and hold to help move forward in our new chapters.
Please note:
If you would like to have any crystals present or light any candles, please do so. Whatever you feel called to have present with you will be charged up with the ritual energy! Suggested crystals for this meditation are carnelian, sunstone, garnet, citrine & dalmatian jasper.
If you have a list of your heart's desires/intentions, it will be taken up by your Guardian Angel & Cosmic Angels of the Universe up to become manifest.
Artist @crownandpallette