Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.
~Anais Nin
Greetings to our friends and community,
So often we think of the face of the divine feminine in terms of soft, yielding, receptive, nurturing, connecting and compassionate. And while I am grateful to have experienced this face from my own mother, and aspire to embody these qualities myself, what’s present for me today is the strong, courageous, resilient, and even fierce face of the divine feminine.
As I have witnessed my own 94 year old mother rise from the ashes of aging over and over again, I am inspired and strengthened. I am inspired by her courage in redefining herself in the face of physical limitations. I am inspired by her resilience in making new friends and connections as so many of her friends and loved ones pass on from physical form. I am inspired by watching her grapple with the acceptance of current circumstances and live in the present.
And, I notice my inclination to want to bubble wrap her from what is sharply real and unavoidable in life, to escape the vivid realities of uncertainty, and, certainty. I stop, take a breath and rest in the assurance that although she may be increasingly physically frail she is fully equipped with an internal confidence, courage and strength to live her life open to all that it brings.
A mama never stops teaching!
To all the strong, courageous, resilient, and yes, even fierce women all over the world...we honor you.
Teresa, Spirit of Thule, Tucker, Huxley and all at Paradise Found