It's here! We're so excited about this book--It reminds us of our feelings of hope and inspiration watching her read "The Hill We Climb" at the inauguration in January, when she took the world by storm.
“We will raise this wounded world into a wondrous one…
There is always light, if only we’re brave enough to see it.
If only we’re brave enough to be it.”
It's here! We're so excited about this book--It reminds us of our feelings of hope and inspiration watching her read "The Hill We Climb" at the Inauguration in January, when she took the world by storm.
Here is a young woman who is following her passion and purpose or activism through poetry, who commands the room with her powerful presence, and moves hearts by speaking her truth. Thank you Amanda Gorman!
Amanda Gorman is the youngest inaugural poet in U.S. history, as well as an award-winning writer and cum laude graduate of Harvard University, where she studied Sociology. She has written for the New York Times and has three books forthcoming with Penguin Random House.
Born and raised in Los Angeles, she began writing at only a few years of age. Now her words have won her invitations to the Obama White House and to perform for Lin-Manuel Miranda, Al Gore, Secretary Hillary Clinton, Malala Yousafzai, and others.
15.99 | "The Hill We Climb" hardcover keepsake edition
19.99 | Amanda Gorman Secular Saint candle