Turquoise, the Master Healer by Jessica Allen

Turquoise has been used throughout history as a protective amulet, but did you know that it is one of the most potent healing crystals? This beautiful stone is said to embody the powers of the heavens and the earth, and it's radiant blue coloring works to soothe the mind and energize the spirit. Turquoise is especially helpful for spiritual attunement, as it works to banish negativity, heal the body, and induce wisdom and understanding. It can be carried or used in meditation, but it also makes an excellent stone to wear as jewelry because of it's protective properties.


Turquoise works on all the chakras and energy centers, but it specifically activates the throat, heart, and naval chakras, opening communication pathways and bringing the power of love to all issues so that one feels strengthened and infused with clear, confident, and loving vibrations. This stone is very helpful for sensitive & loving people because of it's unique energy, which creates a safe space for communicating loving thoughts and living your spiritual truth. It can also be used by anyone who would like to activate their ability to love and communicate clearly and truthfully, and a turquoise pendant is a good way of promoting these qualities in all your interactions with others!

If you want to experiment with the healing effects of turquoise, try meditating with a piece (it can be a piece of jewelry if you don't own a raw stone) on top of the space where your thymus gland is located, just beneath your collarbone. Allow your shoulders to relax, and a few breath cycles, to pass while holding the stone on your chest. The thymus gland is an important part of the immune system, which helps protect our body from illness. Working with turquoise placed in this position can help boost vitality and activate your body's natural healing mechanisms, strengthening and fortifying them. If you don't have the time to meditate, try tucking a piece under your pillow at night or on your desk at work, and see if you notice the effects!

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