In this beginner-friendly class, you’ll learn the foundations of Tarot and an overview of the Major and Minor arcana.
"Life is to be experienced, not fought against, run from, or engaged halfheartedly. Though we may wish to make changes in the future, to be conscious is to be with an experience as it’s unfolding, rather than thinking about how we would like to change it. Taking charge of our life so that we alter the quality of our experiences in the future comes after an experience." ~Shefali Tsabary
"Besides the noble art of getting things done, there is a nobler art of leaving things undone…. The wisdom of life consists in the elimination of nonessentials." ~Lin Yutang
"The time came when the risk it took to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." ~Anais nin
Join us in person for a special event on Saturday March 22nd, from 1 p.m. - 5 p.m. Four of our intuitive readers will be offering mini-readings, plus aura readings by Hado Being! Try, taste, savor, or indulge.
Join us in celebration of Ostara, a time of renewal and balance as we welcome the light of spring. Let’s plant the seeds of new beginnings together at Paradise Found on March 19, 2025!
"Do you have the patience to wait till your mud settles and the water is clear? Can you remain unmoving until the right action arises by itself? The Master doesn’t seek fulfillment. Not seeking, not expecting, she is present, and can welcome all things.” ~Lao Tzu, trans. by Stephen Mitchell
"There is no need to run outside for better seeing. Nor to peer from a window. Rather abide at the center of your being; for the more you leave it, the less you learn. Search your heart and see the way to do is to be." ~Lao Tzu
“At the end of the day, it isn’t where I came from. Maybe home is somewhere I’m going and never have been before.” ~Warsan Shire
"This morning I stopped to watch the geese fly, even though I didn’t have the time to do so. And I realized that not having the time to do something might be the very reason why I need to do it." ~Craig D. Lounsbrough
We are delighted to welcome back Bianca, The Spiritual Owl for a day of Intuitive Luminary Readings at Paradise Found! Call (805)564-3573 to book your reading! She will be offering readings on Saturday 3/29 from 12:00 to 5:00 p.m.
We are delighted to welcome back Ben Commons, author of The Commonsense Almanac, for a day of Astrological Readings at Paradise Found! Call (805)564-3573 to book your reading! He will be offering readings on Sunday 3/30 from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m.
Utilize the wisdom of this tarot spread ritual to help you connect with your inner fire, embrace love, and release anything holding you back from shining your brightest.
We are here for your last minute Valentine's Day needs - whether it's a gift for your sweetheart or loved one, or even a little self-care for yourself, check out these products we love!
"And if the stars should ever die, we’ll make our own light, you and I." ~ John Mark Green
"Owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing that we’ll ever do." ~Brené Brown
Sharing some products we love... just in time for Valentine's Day!
“This entire thing we're involved with called the world, is an opportunity to exhibit how exciting alienation can be. Life is a matter of a miracle that is collected over time by moments, flabbergasted to be in each other's presence. The world is an exam to see if we can rise into direct experience. Our eyesight is here as a test to see if we can see beyond it. Matter is here as a test for our curiosity. Doubt is here as an exam for our vitality.” ~Timothy Levitch
"The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper." ~W.B. Yeats
“We are all connected; to each other, biologically. To the earth, chemically. To the rest of the universe, atomically.” ~Neil deGrasse Tyson
Come together in community for a beautiful Imbolc gathering on Wednesday, January 29, 2025 at Paradise Found. Together, we will awaken the seeds of self-love with rituals of renewal, community, and connection.
“The space in which we live should be for the person we are becoming now, not for the person we were in the past.” ~Marie Kondō
"Feelings are just visitors. Let them come and go." ~Mooji
"Only in quiet waters do things mirror themselves undistorted. Only in a quiet mind is an adequate perception of the world." ~Hans Margolius
“Honesty and openness is always the foundation of insightful dialogue.” ~Bell hooks
"Do not try to save the world or do anything grandiose. Instead, create a clearing in the dense forest of your life and wait there patiently, until the song that is your life falls into your own cupped hands and you recognize and greet it. Only then, will you know how to give yourself to this world so worthy of rescue. ~Martha Postlewaite
"Life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness. How do you know this is the experience you need? Because this is the experience you are having at the moment." ~Eckhart Tolle
“Begin doing what you want to do now. We are not living in eternity. We have only this moment, sparkling like a star in our hand and melting like a snowflake.” ~Francis Bacon Sr.
“There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.” ~Edith Wharton
"I pray this winter will be gentle and kind, a season of rest from the wheel of the mind." ~John Geddes
Paradise Found is aglow with festive cheer! Our shelves are overflowing with carefully curated treasures, each chosen with love and mindful of the planet's well-being. Step inside, soak up the peace, love, and good vibes, and let them ripple out into the world!
We are delighted to welcome back Ben Commons, author of The Commonsense Almanac, for a day of Astrological Readings at Paradise Found! Call (805)564-3573 to book your reading! He will be offering readings on Sunday 1/24 from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m.
“Whatever you did today is enough. Whatever you felt today is valid. Whatever you thought today isn’t to be judged. Repeat the above each day.” ~Brittany Burgunder
“Let today be the day you stand strong in the truth of your beauty. Journey through your day without attachment to the validation of others.” ~Steve Maraboli
“Experience life in all possible ways -- good-bad, bitter-sweet, dark-light, summer-winter. Experience all the dualities. Don't be afraid of experience, because the more experience you have, the more mature you become.” ~Osho
We look forward to sharing the season with you!
Woman-owned, small independent business creating amazing astrological calendars! Detailed astrological information is organized and easy to use. All aspects are in Pacific Standard Time. Choose your planner in shop, or online at
We warmly welcome Aly Dunne to our talented roster of readers! A 43-year practitioner of Meditation and Sanskrit Mantra, Aly is now answering the inner call to be of service to help and guide her clients as a practicing Intuitive during these extraordinary times.
As the days grow shorter and the weather chillier, we are moving our in-person readings from the "patio" to our cozy space inside. All of are gifted readers are still available for Zoom or phone readings.
Local artist and woodworker, Rebecca Zendejas will be creating another Community Memorial Altar at Paradise Found this year, inspired by the celebrations of Samhain and Dias de los Muertos.
We are delighted to welcome our newest intuitive reader, Kris Seraphine ! Offering Sacred Goddess Channeling Sessions & Astrology for Manifestation--You can book your reading through the Paradise Found website.
Come to Paradise Found for all your favorites: Amber Lotus, Brushdance, Inner Reflections, Llewellyn’s, Magic of I, Moon Trine, Paperblanks, We’Moon…
This calendar synchronizes our consciousness with galactic harmonies, helping us anchor new vibrations, new perceptions, and evolutionary realities on Planet Earth.
The Harmony Keys takes the mystery out of energy work, and guides you to awaken your innate healing powers.
We send joyful congratulations to our 2020 and 2021 graduates! And say "Thank You!" to the amazing dads in our lives.
Join us for a book signing with Dr. Diana Hill, author of the ACT DAILY JOURNAL! Saturday May 8 from 2-4pm at Paradise Found.
"Each time my feet touched the earth I knew my mother was there with me. I knew this body was not mine but a living continuation of my mother and my father and my grandparents and great-grandparents. Of all my ancestors. Those feet that I saw as "my" feet were actually "our" feet. Together my mother and I were leaving footprints in the damp soil."~Thich Nhat Hanh
As the weather permits, we will continue offering readings on the Patio.
Moving forward, I’ve put together a selection of terrific new + newly discovered titles, then an assortment of books on the modern practices of witchcraft; a ‘tasting menu’ of sorts of wonderful tarot and oracle decks; a sweet handful of books for young and young at heart readers; and a couple of just because + just for fun offerings.
It’s time to introduce October’s Author of the Month – the radiant award-winning writer, poet, teacher, and dreamworker Toko-pa Turner...
Included in this report is a mix of New + Newly Discovered books chosen to inspire + inform you; a few more Magical Reads; some wonderful books for Young + Young at Heart readers, and a couple of ‘Just Because + Just for Fun’ offerings.
'The School of Life' was founded in 2008 by Alain de Botton and a creative group of international therapists, artists, philosophers and cultural explorers on a mission to bring about healing, growth, calm, and self-understanding...
Included in this report is June’s “Author of the Month”, one of my favorite authors, Mark Nepo; a mix of New + Newly Discovered books chosen to support + inspire you; a selection of gifts for graduates, some wonderful books for Young + Young at Heart readers, and a ‘Just Because + Just for Fun’ offering.
Included in this report is a mix of New + Newly Discovered reads chosen to support + inspire you; some wonderful books for Young + Young at Heart readers, a couple of Just Because + Just for Fun offerings.
Included in this report is May’s Author of the Month – Jon Kabat-Zinn; a mix of New + Newly Discovered reads chosen to support + inspire you; some wonderful books for Young + Young at Heart readers, a couple of Just Because offerings from our Mother’s Day list, and a poem by Emily Dickinson.
Included in this report is a mix of New + Newly Discovered books chosen to support + inspire you; some wonderful books for Young + Young at Heart readers, and a couple of ‘Just Because + Just for Fun’ offerings.
Before we get into the choices for this report, I’d like to begin with this from April’s Author of the Month David Whyte because it speaks to the heart of what Spring is all about for me. Let’s dream big and true, people!
Included in this report is a celebration of Women’s History Month, a mix of New + Newly Discovered books chosen to support + inspire you; some wonderful books for Young + Young at Heart readers, and a couple of ‘Just Because + Just for Fun’ offerings.
Included in this report is March’s “Author of the Month”, Alan Watts; a mix of New + Newly Discovered books chosen to support + inspire you; some wonderful books for Young + Young at Heart readers, and a couple of ‘Just Because + Just for Fun’ offerings.
Included in this report are few of my favorite books from Black authors in celebration of Black History Month, a mix of New + Newly Discovered books chosen to support + inspire you; some wonderful books for Young + Young at Heart readers, and a couple of ‘Just Because + Just for Fun’ offerings.
Included in this report is February’s “Author of the Month”, Anne Lamott; a mix of New + Newly Discovered books chosen to support + inspire you; a selection from our Living Heart to Heart list just in time for Valentine’s Day; some wonderful books for Young + Young at Heart readers, and a couple of ‘Just Because + Just for Fun’ offerings.
Discover author of the month Terry Tempest Williams; Also included in this report is a selection of New + Newly Discovered books chosen to support + inspire you; some wonderful books for Young + Young at Heart readers, and a few ‘Just Because + Just for Fun’ offerings.
Included in this report is an eclectic mix of New + Newly Discovered books chosen to support + inspire you; some wonderful books for Young + Young at Heart readers, and a ‘Just Because’ offering in the form of a poem by Margaret Atwood to get this year off to a bright start.
A Self-Healing Modality for greater health, wealth, and love. Be your own healer with the Harmony Keys Healing Modality! Learn the tools you need to release old emotional blocks that are hindering your success and happiness.
"Thou silver deity of secret night, direct my footsteps through the woodland shade...Serenely sweet you gild the silent grove, my friend, my goddess, and my guide…" ~Lady Mary Wortley Montagu
"It is through gratitude for the present moment that the spiritual dimension of life opens up." ~Eckhart Tolle
We hope you enjoy this little guide to Valentine's gifts...Many are available through our Paradise Found website, as well as our online Bookshop, not to mention in our physical shop as well! We also have intuitive readings, which can be a great gift for the person who "has it all", and gift certificates for those who love to discover their own treasures!
These 90-day guided journals are designed to help you create a habit of regular self-care, cultivate mindfulness, and focus on your overall well-being.
These crystal infused candles are unique and perfect for setting intentions, meditation, attracting and healing. Formulated with a blend of organic herbs and essential oils. Hand-poured and made with 100% soy wax.
In Your Dreams includes all the supplies you need to make a vision board! It also includes a guided journal filled with reflections, writing prompts, and exercises to help you plan your goals and get inspired to attain them. Create a vision board that is uniquely tailored to your dreams, and focus your energy toward making them a reality!
The 2021 Astrological Planner is a powerful tool for creating magic and
Hand Crafted with intention, A legendary recipe from olden days...Add the magic of Thieves Oil to your cleansing repertoire
“Within you, there is a stillness and a sanctuary to which you can retreat at any time and be yourself.” ~Hermann Hesse
"You are the universe in ecstatic motion." - Rumi
"Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it." —Rumi
Wearing, carrying, and connecting with these crystals during the Solstice can help you harness the potent energy of this seasonal shift, promoting growth, positivity, and personal empowerment.
“To be happy with yourself in the present moment while maintaining a dream of your future is a grand recipe for manifestation." ~Joe Dispenza, You Are the Placebo: Making Your Mind Matter
The strength of Sagittarius the archer is in the focused strength of purpose, clarity of the arrow's path that allows us to break barriers and explore, adventure, expand, and learn...
"Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes." ~Carl Jung
“When I dare to be powerful, to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid.” ~Audre Lorde
“The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.” ~Alan Wilson Watts
“And if the world has ceased to hear you, say to the silent earth: I flow. To the rushing water, speak: I am.” ~Rainer Maria Rilke, Sonnets to Orpheus
When we honor our unique gifts, amazing feats of creation are possible. Here are three stones for drawing out talent and creativity, improving decisiveness and finding solutions, and drawing on your greatest strengths.
As the New Moon in Aquarius brings out our free spirit, independent-thinking, world-changing expansive selves, here are a selection of crystals for holding on to our peace of mind, our fundamental feelings of serenity and trust in life, and a sense of own wholeness.
“When we are in touch with our emotions, our needs become known." That is the gift of the Leo full moon. Here are three crystals that can help identify, interpret, soothe and "roll with" feelings arising in the light of the full moon:
As the New Moon in Capricorn encourages us to take a look at the "earthy" qualities in ourselves, this selection of crystals encourages a practical mindset, and into harmony with the natural realm.
Cancer, a water sign, is known for diving deep into the emotional realm, and using its water-like moods to take negative energies and transform them into soft ripples of positivity...
Cultivate an enlightened perspective, communicate from a place of love, and make decisions based on the deepest intuitive wisdom...
“Lammas is a time of the fullness of life, and a celebration of the bountiful and abundant Mumma Earth. The main themes of Lammas are to give big thanks, high fives and deep bows to the Goddess for Her bountiful harvest, and to state your hopes and intentions for what you wish to harvest, sacrifice, or transform.” ~Lisa Lister
“Attention is the beginning of devotion.” ~Mary Oliver
Shift energy with dancing, and journal to open the heart. We approach ourselves with a gentle curiosity, and are rewarded with access to hidden treasures of insight and experience.
Clarify the inner knowing and draw out answers that are personal, resonant, and transformative. The Work, an insightful process developed by Byron Katie, helps us question our stressful thoughts and beliefs, and through that questioning the thoughts lose their power over us.
Gain insight into your practice as a caregiver. Explore self-care, care of others, and guidance from the universe for any situation you may be currently experiencing in your work or family environment.
With renewed purpose and clarity, we carry the light of the phoenix within us, ready to soar to new heights and embrace the infinite possibilities of our journey ahead.
"What lies before us and what lies behind us are small matters compared to what lies within us. And when we bring what is within out into the world, miracles happen.~Henry David Thoreau
“If you align in any moment with the flow of life as it presents itself, all will unfold in the right way at the right time with a certain spontaneity and ease.” ~Tosha Silver
“Be grateful to the mud, water, air and the light.” ~Amit Ray, ‘Nonviolence: The Transforming Power’
"You are born to fly, and in dreams you remember the soul has wings." ~Robert Moss
"Grounding means being relaxed but alert, energetically connected to the earth but able to move, present and aware, in a state in which we can take in information and make conscious choices about what to do."~Starhawk
Our inner beauty, that magical, numinous energy that radiates from us a bit like our charisma, is a force that can be hard to fathom. Yet here is a way to allow it to radiate more brightly, and to feel this energy flowing all around you.
"Oh, the glory of growth, silent, mighty, persistent, inevitable! To awaken, to open up like a flower to the light of a fuller consciousness!"~Emily Carr
“Nature pulls us up when we feel down, worked up, and vulnerable. It takes us out of our neurosis, shakes off the cobwebs, and helps us to mentally refresh. Nature shows us the way of the cycles and impermanence of all things and awakens the heart.” ~Dr. Michelle Kambolis
“I’m here. I’m free, and I can imagine anything. Everything is possible. I only raise my eyes and once again, I become the world.” ~Marion the Trapeze Artist, “Wings of Desire”
Simply by holding a high vibrational frequency, seeing the good in others and approaching life with an attitude of love and compassion, we can shine our light for others...
The ultimate goal of this simple practice is to be able to look at yourself with total acceptance and forgiveness, with genuine love and kindness.
@ParadiseFoundSB #ParadiseFoundSB